​Some days, you just want to talk it out. You want a coach, counselor and confidante. Talk to Rosie.
On a previous page, I answered the question, "What is coaching?" [Click here]
Here are topics that I've successfully helped people navigate through coaching:
Beginner Leadership Skills
Influence & Leading Others
Communication & Collaboration
Effective Delegation
Meeting Management
Project Management
Giving & Receiving Feedback
Performance Appraisals & Corrective Action Conversations
Onboarding Others
Presenting & Making a Business Case
Focus & Productivity
Intermediate Leadership Skills
Executive Presence
Personal Branding
Coaching Others & Replicating Leadership
Strategic Planning
Budgeting & Finance
Advanced Leadership Skills
Creating & Communicating Vision & Organizational Culture
Empowering & Inspiring Others
Communicating with Stakeholders
Change Management
Client & Workforce Recruitment & Retention
Building a Value Proposition for Advancement or Partnership
Personal Life
Relationships - Dating, Marriage, Conflict, Divorce, Infidelity, Sexual Issues, Parenting, Blending Families, Reconciliation
Grief/Loss - Death of Loved One, Death of Pet, Break Up, Loss of Friendship, Loneliness
Transitions - Job Change, Illness/Disability, Relocation, Retirement, Aging, Caregiving
Life Skills - Communication, Active Listening, Communicating Empathy, Boundaries, Assertiveness, Socializing, Self-Confidence
Other Common Work-life Topics:
Career Planning, Advancement & Transitions
Productivity & Time Management
Work-Life Balance​
Business & Organizations
Team communications & collaboration
Creating Psychologically Safe Environments
How to Coach Your Staff
Conflict Management
Family-Owned Business Conflicts
Getting Started with Self-Employment

Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.